While it’s important to deliver returns locally, broadening the investment horizon always expands investment – and return – potential. Which is precisely why Amplify Investment Partners has introduced a global equity fund.

The 1-of-1 solution invests in the world’s top-performing organisations, is managed by a boutique global manager and aims to generate meaningful returns in more industries, on more continents, for longer.

Beyond local Unit Trusts, the debut of a dollar-denominated fund, coupled with a rand feeder fund, delivers on the need for diversified options in a dynamic market.

Both the USD and feeder funds boast a large cap equity portfolio, which is set against the MSCI World Index as its benchmark, promises to usher sustained returns through market cycles.

With a 60 year track record and $25 billion Asset Under Management, Sarofim & Co manages the funds on behalf of Amplify. With an actively managed, high conviction, bottom-up researched sustainable growth strategy, they have proven to outperform their benchmark through various market cycles.